some members of S&P Committee want to make a trip to Electronics market for
latest update or for selecting and purchasing the right quality goods or for any
other reason, the no. of students going will be decided by S&P in charge. In
no case the no. of students going for this purpose can exceed four (unless
exceptional circumstances).
before going, the S&P in charge have to report the matter (regarding how
many of them are going and for what purpose) to the Student Secretary and get it
approved. The student Secretary in many cases can follow them to guide in work.
something of substantial amount is damaged then the student has to bear the
ID card is lost you have to immediately report to Student Secretary/Executive
Secretary/Prof. Incharge and in that case you have to bear the expenses of
getting duplicate ID card.
is non-refundable.
are required to maintain discipline in the center.
If the Student Secretary feels at some point that a particular person (be
of any committee or in general) is not performing his/ her job properly, he can pass NO-CONFIDENCE MOTION
exercising his/ her duties and may even ask the person concerned to leave either
temporarily or permanently from the job after consulting with Prof.-in-charge.
Student Secretary has the right to initiate any of the above process on
his own.
Student secretary can exercise right of any student member for smooth
functioning of the Hobby Centre.
If any member of Hobby Centre find that a member of particular committee
or any other person is not performing his/ her job correctly, he can pass NO-CONFIDENCE MOTION reporting the
matter to student Secretary/ Executive Secretary/ Prof-in-charge and the action
will be taken if it is found so.